What Will Your Verse Be?

What Will Your Verse Be?

We recently enjoyed watching Dead Poets Society with our kids for family movie night and all I can say is WOW! I was floored, and moved, and INSPIRED. Much more then when I first watched it several decades ago! What a different lens to view it from this time around. I just can’t stop thinking about it and this clip has been etched into my mind ever since. It’s profound meaning hit my wiser ears and moved me to my core….. Who remembers this poignant moment? 

“You are here. Life exists, and identity… but the powerful play goes on and YOU MAY CONTRIBUTE A VERSE.” 

Sit with that for a moment sweet friends…. We choose what verse we desire to contribute to humanity and our verses are SO MUCH MORE then a single role we play in our lives. Our verses are encapsulated in how fiercely we live, LOVE and connect with others. The something about us that is deeply passionate and uniquely our own~it’s our purpose and our legacy. 

We all need someone to huddle us up once in awhile to remind us to be true to OUR VERSE, to give our gifts, and to follow our hearts. Consider yourself huddled my dearest ones.  

So…. what will your verse be?

With Big Much Love,

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