Minute Mind-Shifters
There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do them.
Charles D. Gill
Quotes and inspirational sayings are mind and mood shifters for me. They are an integral part of my daily practice and have been since I was a child. I believe they gently guide me and pique my awareness to the people and things begging for my attention and focus, my energy and love.
In this section you’ll find Petals & Pieces…..Some of my most favorite quotes and small snippets to bring a dose of sunshine to your day….

Everyday wisdom distilled down into QUICK-HIT teachings just for you….
I’ve learned that it’s the small habits that can make or break your happiness and absolutely CHANGE your life…. things like how you spend your mornings, how you talk to yourself, what you read, who gets your energy, how often you move your body, and mostly, who has access to you. I wholeheartedly believe this. It can be a powerful influence in your life to make the CHOICE to be mindful of such seemingly insignificant things. But when we are….the compounding effect is mind blowing.
Xo, Brandee
Every NEXT level of your life will demand a different YOU. Nope, it doesn’t get easier when they are sleeping through the night, out of diapers, in full-day Kindergarten, can bath themselves and on and on and on… parenting is a series of IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGES that just keep rolling on repeat. So… what’s the common denominator? YOU. Keep upping your game and building your foundation so you are equipped to handle the ever-changing terrain which is life with kiddos! You want to be able to tackle the challenges and morph obstacles into opportunities like an agile world-class athlete or with the deft determination of the most resilient mama bear, am I right? You’ve got to UP your personal and parental GROWTH GAME. Take on an evergreen mindset when it comes to leaning into learning about yourself, your kiddos and parenting. Make meaningful, deeply connected relationships your PRIORITY. Everything else will flow and amplify from there… trust me.
Xo, Brandee
Don’t let your ice cream melt while you’re counting someone else’s sprinkles. Need I say more? The comparison trap is an icky, sticky, nasty place to live. And why would you? Simply dive in and stay SO FOCUSED on your own happiness that you have zero time to criticize, compare or play the impression management game with the people around you just trying to enjoy their own daily indulgence. Don’t let that shiz steal your joy….and if you must- order up a different flavor next time.
Xo, Brandee